Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why People Communicate free essay sample

Identification of the different reasons people communicate: Communication-is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another. People communicate for a number of different reason wome of which I have listed below. -give informations/receive information When a parent and teacher have a good communication relationship a child always benefits. They need to tell each other important information about a child.A teacher keeps a parent informed about exp. Childs progress at school, what kids of day a child had ,which school activities is school preparing. . On other hand is importand to receive an information from a parent too. Example- if a child is healthy, if he does not have any allergies, what he likes/does not like doing or just imformation about a day ,who is going to pick him up from school .. -get to know each other to promote healthy and happy development of a child we must know the child better. We will write a custom essay sample on Why People Communicate? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page That is the reason why a teacher needs to talk to parent get information from him about what does child like,what is his favourite toy,what kind of food he likes to eat,if he has some friend in or out from school.. . These informations help us to understand a child better and sometimes even in difficult situation understand why a child was behaving that way and help us to figer it out how to deal with a child in that situation. -to encourage we use communication for encouraging children or co-workers. In a case of a child the purpose to encourage a child is to boost his self esteem.We only need to describe same good things about him which he believes. This way he himself is boosting his self esteem and genuinely feels happy about it,which produces the desired resulds. Describing good things which stimulates a child mind to praise himself becomes permanent in childs mind and help him boost his self esteem permanently. -receive instruction /give instruction the first intervention point in effective child discipline and developing is giving and receiving instruction. When we are giving instruction to a child we should make sure they are short and very clear .Very long and complicated sentences can confuse a child, specially in early age. We should wait for acknowledgement before me move on and confirm they are clear on our instruction. Very important thing is to not to forget praise a child for following and listening the instruction. During a day at school a child receives so many instruction from a teacher example-how to wash hands,how to push a chair back at the table,how to open and close book.. .. An explanation of how communication affects relationship in the work setting Effective communication is one of the most important source of work.If I communicate effectively with children this will benefit massively on their learning and development and they will become to trust and respect me. Communicating effectively with colleagues will help me to develop professionally in my job. And make us to have a good working relationship which will also help with the childrens learning and development. Communicating effectively with parents will give them the respect that their children are safe when they are in my care and to make sure that I do listen and understand them. By having a good relationship with the parent it will benefit the childrens and learning and development.

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